As the evening shade began to envelope the great house of Collinwood in the year 2016, a feeling of anxiety and uncertainty swept in just as the dusk sky began to blanked the heavens above. One woman haunted by her evil sister's death was attempted to exercise her from her life.
Kimberly, alone in her private lab that once belonged to Dr. Julia Hoffman, worked carefully on serums and DNA samples she had secretly collected over the years from the Collins family members. It was all by order of her dead sister Dr. Joanna Grayson. Joanna, in death, was still adamant at taking control of the Collins family and all their assets, nothing would stop her. The fear she instilled in her much weaker sister Kimberly held on tightly.
Kimberly, calmly and quietly did her DNA testing as Joanna watched from her ghostly perch in the reflection of a window.
"You work as if you want nothing to do with this. We had a deal Kim We planned this for so long, stop looking like someone died." Joanna's spirit said as she slowly moved out of the window's reflection and transcendentally placed herself on the green leather sofa's across from Kim's work area.
"I don't want anything to do with you anymore. All I want is to be normal again and begin practicing medicine like I did before all this happened." Kim muttered as she continued to work.
"You'd love that wouldn't you? You left me to let Barnabas kill me when he came to search for Maggie at Windcliff that night and you left me to DIE! No, you're not going to just let me go into the light and forget about me; leave me in some grave with no name and just forget you ever had a sister. No, no, this is what I've always deserved. You will continue this DNA program on David....and once he's killed off his entire family you'll get all the shares of the company, it'll be rightfully yours. Finally." Joanna explained as she sat calmly, the green sofa showing through Joanna's translucent body.
"What's in it for you? You're dead! You're not real anymore, you no longer exist!" Kim yelled back from her work station as she adjusted her seeing glasses.
"My satisfaction will be knowing that this whole satanic family is gone and all their money is placed in your hands. But it's up to you. You have to do all of this to make sure it happens. Do you understand?" Joanna further explained.
"YOU'RE DEAD! You're Dead! You're' Dead!" Kim screamed pounding on the sides of her head, hoping Joanna's ghost would be gone when she opened her eyes. The madness she felt starting to peek through her calm veneer.
Joanna grinned an evil smile and waiting for Kim's tantrum to be over. "Boo!" She joked when Kim opened her yes. "I'm not going anywhere little sister, not until you do this for me." She added.
"And if I don't? What will happen if I don't do what you want me to do?" Kim said threatening her dead sister's plot.
"Watch it now baby sister. You don't want to go there with me. You know what I'm capable of. And death will not keep me from what I can do. Nothing can." Joanna said as she slowly got up and floated over to where Kim was working.
"You're not real." Kim said sternly.
"Aren't I?" Joanna said.
Joanna closed her eyes and lifted her hand slowly and as she did so all of Kim's petri dishes and glass vials began to lift on their own. Kim held her breath as she witnessed first hand 25, to 30 of her tools and dishes lifting and floating into the air. At one point there was so much glass suspended in air it looked like Kim was standing inside of a chandelier.
Joanna opened her eyes and looked Kim dead in the face:
"You'll do anything I ask. You OWE IT TO life was sacrificed...and if you don't I swear to you I will haunt and curse the lives of everyone you love for the rest of their lives Kimberly, mark my words. Inject David with the new batch f werewolf DNA by the next full moon and release him to his family so that he murders them. Then....Kill David. The Company will fall into your hands and you'll own everything." Joanna said again with a cold dark voice.
And as she dropped her floating hand all of the flying glass objects crashed to the ground and shattered all around Kimberly causing her to close her eyes and scream.
"I'm real enough." Joanna laughed as Kimberly trembled in the corner of her lab with her eyes closed.
When Kim was brave enough to open her eyes again to see the thousands of shattered pieces of glass on the floor, Joanna was gone.
Inside the main portion of the house, Carolyn quietly read by the fire in the drawing room. As she did, there was a knock on the door. Carolyn looked back into the foyer expecting to see the maid rush over and bring in whom ever was calling.
"Oh! She's gone for the night." Carolyn said to herself as she remembered the maid had already left for the night.
She calmly walked over through the drawing room and into the foyer and up to the great oak front doors and opened them. Standing at the door dressed bundled up in all black was Nicholas Blair JR.
Carolyn stepped back in fright and closed the door slightly.
"Mrs. Throne, Nicholas Blair, we met earlier today at one of the shops in town. Do you remember?" Nicholas politely asked.
"I remember. What can do I for you Mr. Blair?" Carolyn asked as she tried to conceal the worry in her voice.
"I was told to by someone down in town that you or someone in your family might have some answers for me about my family's past here in Collinsport. Do you think you'd have a moment to talk to me about that?" Nicholas asked not knowing Carolyn knew exactly who his evil father was.
"I don't think so. In fact I don't think you should come up to Collinwood anymore Mr. Blair. I know you were here earlier and spoke with my daughter Alexandra. I would appreciate it you..." Carolyn said before she was interrupted.
"Mrs. Throne, I'm afraid you're overreacting, with all do respect. You see all I want is just to know my family's past. And also, hopefully locate my mother." Nicholas partly hiding his true devious intentions.
"Your mother? How would I know who she is?" Carolyn asked snobbishly.
"Well I know that she was a friend of yours in the past. At least that's what I've been led to believe. I'm assuming by your reaction to me, that you may have some idea of who my father was. I am, after all, named after him." Nicholas asserted.
"I do know who your father was..or is...or.... which is why I would kind ask you to leave. Your mother, however, I don't know." Carolyn again said assertively.
"My mother, Mrs. Thorne, is Maggie Evans." Nicholas said to a shocked Carolyn.
"Maggie?? That's ridiculous. Maggie never had any children, certainly not with Nicholas --your father. What would you want with Maggie anyway? Maggie Evans was a good woman, a good friend to this family, and she suffered for years by the hands of many---one of which was your father. How dare you come to my door and try and connect yourself with her. You should leave!" Carolyn argued as she slammed large oak door in Nicholas's face.
But when she turned around to back into the drawing room Nicholas was there blocking her way. Carolyn screamed.
"Get out right now!" Carolyn said backing away.
"Mrs. Throne, I know your mother did not raise you to be rude to a guest. All I want is answers to where my mother is. She is needed." Nicholas said slowly removing his black scarf,
"My mother raised me well enough to know that no man can tell me what to do. No man what-so-ever. And if you think you'll be the first, I have news for you Mr. Blair, I've survived much worse. So let's make this easy. You'll never be able to find Maggie Evans because she's dead." Carolyn said as she held on to a table behind her, her hands shaking with nerves.
"I don't believe you. I wouldn't have been sent here from where to search for someone who no longer walks this earth. Where is she?" Nicholas said walking slowly towards Carolyn.
"Excuse me, is there a problem?" David said as he walked down the main staircase noticing Carolyn's strained face and the tension in the stranger's shoulders. "Who are you?" he added.
"Nicholas Blair Jr. Pleasure to meet you." Nicholas said as he held out his hand.
"Blair huh? Sounds familiar. What are you doing here? Aare you ok?" David asked looking over at his cousin.
"He's..." Carolyn began before being interrupted.
"I'm looking for my mother. I was told that your family could possibly know here whereabouts, that's all." Nicholas said.
"So you're here because of what someone might have told you we know? Who's your mother?" David asked skeptically.
"Maggie." Carolyn calmly whispered knowing that David had been adamant that Maggie was the one who helped him escape Joanna's clutches at Windcliff.
"What? Maggie Evans? You're Maggie's son. That cant be." David answered.
"It is. And I'm here to find her." Nicholas said.
"Listen, I want you to leave right now. I know what you are Nicholas Blair. I've know your kind for many, many years and right now I don't want you anywhere near this house or my family. Especially my daughter Alexandra. If you'd like to find your mother you'll need to head over to Eagle Hill Cemetery. You'll find her in her grave there. Now leave." Carolyn said sternly as she walked over to the front door and opened it for Nicholas to leave.
Nicholas looked at David and then looked back at Carolyn who was standing at the door. He replaced his scarf and walked out to the front step and turned back to look at Carolyn and David.
"Well, it was nice seeing you both. I'm sure we'll meet again." Nicholas said cryptically as Carolyn slammed the door in his face.
Carolyn adjusted her sweater and took a deep breath, and turned back around toward the drawing room.
"Wait just one second there. How is that man Maggie Evan's son? What the hell is going on here now? David said grabbing his cousin Carolyn's arm. "You know something don't you!?" He exclaimed.
"We need to find Maggie before he does." Carolyn said.
"I thought you didn't believe me when I said she was alive and that she helped me escape that sanitarium. NOW you do?" David questioned.
"Hiding Maggie from Barnabas was one thing, but keeping her safe from Nicholas Blair is a whole other animal. We need to go back to Windcliff and find Maggie if she's still there and make sure she's safe before Nicholas does. Whatever he has planned will not be good. Not for Maggie and not for any of use." Carolyn warned.
"Of course not, we were just going to have dinner! My goodness the likeness to your grandfather is remarkable. Why didn't you telegram us that you'd be visiting." Catherine said jubilantly. "Jamison, he must stay for dinner, don't you agree?" She added as Jamison looked on with a sense of dread.
"Victoria, Claudia! We have a new house guest! Let's all meet in the dining room and catch up!" The jubilant Catherine said locking her arm with Barnabas' and leading them all into the dining room Claudia and Vickie followed behind in a weary silence.
Jamison straggled behind in a daze. The images of blood and fangs still haunting his thoughts. What did they mean? And why did they come to him as soon as Barnabas waked through the door. Jamison could feel there was something about Barnabas that just didn't sit well with him. He knew all about this family legend, much more than he ever told Catherine and it frightened him.
The dinner went off without a hitch. They all chatted and had well enough small talk to get them through, Vickie and Claudia played along perfectly pretending they knew nothing about Barnabas Collins. Barnabas, for his part, was the consummate actor. He played the part of his own long lost grandson with such skill that it was as if he believed it himself. His charm and grace was intoxicating.
Catherine had been raised the only child of the well off Walsh family of Boston who sheltered her a great deal from the world. For her the world was this giant place filled with stories and adventures that she was not privy to. For Catherine, Barnabas was beyond reproach, she could not find a single problem with him, the same could be said for her mother, the widow Jacqueleen.
"Mr. Collins you are simply divine!" Jacqueleen said to Barnabas, her eyes glistening in the light as he finished one of his made up anecdotes.
Barnabas was also entranced by Jacqueleen's bright blue eyes.
"Charm comes with my English heritage. But of course, we can all say the same for Jamison. We share so much of the same history and family." Barnabas said sipping his own wine and looking at the still skeptical Jamison.
Jamison managed to crack a wedge of a smile back but continued to stay silent over the dinner.
"Well I should be getting up to my room now. It's late and the children will most likely be up early. Thank you for a lovely dinner." Claudia said excusing herself followed by Catherine who reluctantly agreed, the night had drawn on long enough for her.
"I think we'll leave you gentleman to yourselves. Victoria shall we retire?" Jacqueleen said also agreeing that the night had worn on too long.
"Barnabas! I hope our accommodations will suit you. We'll see you in the morning." Catherine said.
"Actually, I have a few business deals to take care of in the morning, but will be back in the evening. If you wouldn't mind, I can come back then." Barnabas answered excusing himself for his absence in the morning.
Catherine smiled in agreement and followed Claudia, Victoria and Jacqueleen leaving Jamison alone with Barnabas.
"Good night." Vickie said, glancing over at Barnabas as she past him with a look in her eyes, hoping he could keep on the charade.
Once the four women moved on to their rooms for the night, Jamison and Barnabas walked over to the drawing room for cigars. As they smoked and talked about the family business and how well it was doing, the room's air swirled with the grey of cigar exhaust.
Jamison's skepticism had not diminished, he knew there was something strange about Barnabas and his sudden arrival. His stories too felt rehearsed.
"Tell me cousin, what do you do? What is your business here in Collinsport?" Jamison asked, the tone of his voice like an seasoned detecting prodding for answers.
"I dabble in jewel trade. I have inherited a great many pieces of jewelry from my mother's side that I have used to sustain my way of life. It's actually a very intriguing way to make a living. I meet the most fascinating people around the world." Barnabas answered.
"You don't have to pretend." Jamison said standing up and looking over at the lit fireplace. "I know who you are."
Barnabas looked over at his distant cousin and lifted an eye brow.
"What exactly do you know?" Barnabas asked puffing on his own cigar.
As Barnabas questioned Jamison's apprehension he remembered the images that flashed in his mind of death and pain. He knew that it had to be connect to Barnabas and he knew that the rumors that Barnabas was one of the undead had to be true, as far fetched as it could be, he knew that the strange feelings he had been having and the images he was seeing were about Barnabas.
"I know Barnabas Collins never had children. I know the stories. I know the rumors. I know everything there is to know," Jamison said taking a puff from his cigar.
"You're mistaken. He did, it's not widely known." Barnabas continued to press but interrupted by Jamison.
"No. You're lying. This house has the most comprehensive history book on every member of this family for the last 300 years. No where in it does it say the original Barnabas Collins had a child, much less a grand child that looks exactly like him." Jamison said.
"Well I..." Barnabas started before being cut off.
"I don't know how you really got here Barnabas Collins...the second..." Jamison said sarcastically, "..or what you really want with us, but let me just say if you cause any harm to my wife or my child I promise you, you will not live to see another day. Don't plan on staying long, cousin, there is only room in this house for one Master. Keep that in mind." Jamison continued as he extinguished the cigar and got up to leave the room.
Barnabas was left in the smokey room alone to contemplate his next move. He was definitely surprised by Jamison's reaction. In fact Jamison's suspicions could derail Barnabas' plans to get back to 2016 with Canan, Vickie, and Claudia if he continued to be hostile towards him.
Time was of the essence, Barnabas needed to get back to the present without disturbing the past anymore than they already had.
Up in her room Jacqueleen brushed her auburn hair in her vanity mirror. She then opened a silver box that had scented oil that she rubbed over her elbows and hands. All she could think about was the new house guest. He was charming, elegant and much more handsome than the painting that hung on the wall in the foyer lead her to believe. She was instantly enamored by him.
Jacqueleen's late husband Walter Walsh, to her shock, left her in great amounts of debt that her son-in-law Jamison had paid off, forcing Jacqueleen into a the roll of a social pariah in all the fancy Boston circles. Walter's matter of death too didn't help matters. He was murdered in the middle of the night in their Boston mansion, the murderer was never caught.
Jacqueleen was penniless stranded in Boston and under a cloud of mystery surrounding Walter's death.
She had no choice but to move to Collinsport to escape the torment of all the well-to-do Boston stares.
And now a new prospect. The new house guest offered her somewhat of a reprise, and Jacqueleen knew it. Barnabas was rich, very rich. And that was enticing. He could be the key to her way back on top of the social heap. All she needed to do was get him to believe that too.
"Barnabas Collins......." she said with a grin. "Mrs. Jacqueleen Walsh-Collins. It has a nice ring to it."

The late evening sun had set, and the fog had rolled in from the coast in thick layers that seeped onto the Collinwood land like a slow moving ooze of cool. The Collins family had placed the two babies, Elizabeth and Canan to bed and were preparing for a welcome dinner for Victoria.
Up in their rooms Claudia and Vickie were getting ready, dressing in their finest dinner attire, long evening dresses that sparkled with all the glitz of 1920 fashion. Their hair perfectly coiffed like two high society mavens ready for a night on the town.
"What should I say if Jamison and Catherine ask me more about our past?" Vickie asked as she carefully clasped her droplet earrings.
"Just follow my lead, everything will work out fine. Have you seen Barnabas? I went down into the basement and he wasn't there." Claudia responded.
"Don't worry about him, I've know him for a lot longer than you. I can tell you he can take care of himself." Vickie said with a sort of side grin.
"Can we trust him? This whole plan has changed so much since you've both arrived and now I don't know if we can trust him. Barnabas was not supposed to be here." Claudia said matter of factly.
Vickie turned from the gilded vanity that sat on the side of the room and looked over at Claudia.
"It doesn't matter what was, Claudia, we've decided to abandon the plan in it's original form. We have to focus on not altering too much of the past and getting Canan back to 2016. It's the right thing to do." Vickie said sternly leaving Claudia fuming but in agreement.
Downstairs, Catherine and her mother Jacqueleen put the final finishing touches on the dining room table. The room was lit by 3 tall glittering candelabras that crowned the center and each and of a 8 person table. Each place setting had been set per the most high society set of standards, fit for royalty. Collinsport Royalty.
"This should be such a wonderful night." the always optimistic Catherine said in her lace gown.
Jacqueleen smiled and sipped from her sherry.
As the two continued to toil in the dinning room that was just set off to the side of the main foyer and past the formal drawing room, there was a knock on the door.
"Who could that be at this hour?" Jacqueleen questioned from her seat and her sherry.
"Maybe it's Jamie." Catherine answered.
"Why would Jamie knock on his own door?" Jacqueleen questioned.
"Why would Jamie knock on his own door?" Jacqueleen questioned.
The two women left the dining room and headed to the front door, both feeling a tad bit apprehensive at who might be on the other side, and as they did, Jamison was coming down the satires in his tuxedo ready for dinner to answer the door himself.
"Has the butler left for the night?" He asked the two ladies as they met at the foot of the satires.
"Yes, maybe it's him, maybe he forgot something." Catherine said.
Catherine and Jacqueleen stood back as Jamison moved closer to the door, his hand reached out for the thick knob, he pressed the lever to release the lock and he pulled the door open.
Standing their in the crisp air and frothy fog in his trademark thick wool coat was Barnabas Collins.
Jamison's eyes locked on Barnabas like a bullseye. That face. That body. He knew who it was. He knew it with every fiber of his soul and suddenly a flashes began to appear in Jamison's mind of images he did not recognize. A face flashed screaming a blood curdling scream. Then blood splashed across that face. Jamison then saw a mouth open with fangs dripping with blood, then another flash of white room and inside that room was a coffin and in that coffin a skull laying on a pillow, its jaw gaping open.
They were all images, disjointed and confusing, but frightening to Jamison none the less. And just as the flashes came they disappeared. Jamison stood there shaking his head as if he were shaking the images he had just seen out of his mind like sand from a shoe.
They were all images, disjointed and confusing, but frightening to Jamison none the less. And just as the flashes came they disappeared. Jamison stood there shaking his head as if he were shaking the images he had just seen out of his mind like sand from a shoe.
"Hello. I hope I am not intruding this evening." Barnabas said politely.
"Barnabas. Barnabas Collins?" Jamison said softy and in shock as he recovered from the frightening images he saw flash in his mind.
"The second, yes, Barnabas Collins II. I sincerely apologize for the late visit, but I just had to come see you." Barnabas said using his fake identity as his own long lost grandson.
"Oh my goodness! He looks just like the man in this painting, come in! Come in!" Catherine said pushing Jamison aside and bringing Barnabas into the foyer.
"Ahh, my grandfather." Barnabas said pointing out his fraudulent relationship to the man in the painting. "I really do hate to barge in but I've just arrived from England and felt I needed to greet that family as soon as possible. I see by your attire you were heading out. I hope I'm not keeping you." Barnabas continued.
"Of course not, we were just going to have dinner! My goodness the likeness to your grandfather is remarkable. Why didn't you telegram us that you'd be visiting." Catherine said jubilantly. "Jamison, he must stay for dinner, don't you agree?" She added as Jamison looked on with a sense of dread.
"Well, I believe I did send a telegram. Perhaps it got lost. You know those things don't always make it to their destinations on time." Barnabas stated.
From the corner of his eye, Barnabas could see Jamison still in a rather shocked state and Catherine's mother Jacqueleen ogling him.
"Pleasure to meet you Mr. Collins. Jacqueleen Walsh, Catherine's mother. You should feel very welcome here, after all Collinwood is your family's home as well. I'm sure Jamison would agree. We were just about to sit for dinner, of course you must stay." Jacqueleen said extending her hand to Barnabas.
Barnabas looked over at the stunning brunette and kissed her hand. She smiled back, clearly intrigued by the new face.
"I wouldn't want to impose." He answered her.
As they continued their polite and somewhat awkward conversation, Victoria and Claudia started to make their way down the stairs. They looked at each other, Vickie took a gulp of air, surprised to see Barnabas. It was all deja vu. Barnabas had used the exact same method to introduce himself with this family as he had the day he met Elizabeth in 1966.
"I wouldn't want to impose." He answered her.
As they continued their polite and somewhat awkward conversation, Victoria and Claudia started to make their way down the stairs. They looked at each other, Vickie took a gulp of air, surprised to see Barnabas. It was all deja vu. Barnabas had used the exact same method to introduce himself with this family as he had the day he met Elizabeth in 1966.
"Victoria, Claudia! We have a new house guest! Let's all meet in the dining room and catch up!" The jubilant Catherine said locking her arm with Barnabas' and leading them all into the dining room Claudia and Vickie followed behind in a weary silence.
Jamison straggled behind in a daze. The images of blood and fangs still haunting his thoughts. What did they mean? And why did they come to him as soon as Barnabas waked through the door. Jamison could feel there was something about Barnabas that just didn't sit well with him. He knew all about this family legend, much more than he ever told Catherine and it frightened him.
The dinner went off without a hitch. They all chatted and had well enough small talk to get them through, Vickie and Claudia played along perfectly pretending they knew nothing about Barnabas Collins. Barnabas, for his part, was the consummate actor. He played the part of his own long lost grandson with such skill that it was as if he believed it himself. His charm and grace was intoxicating.
Catherine had been raised the only child of the well off Walsh family of Boston who sheltered her a great deal from the world. For her the world was this giant place filled with stories and adventures that she was not privy to. For Catherine, Barnabas was beyond reproach, she could not find a single problem with him, the same could be said for her mother, the widow Jacqueleen.
"Mr. Collins you are simply divine!" Jacqueleen said to Barnabas, her eyes glistening in the light as he finished one of his made up anecdotes.
Barnabas was also entranced by Jacqueleen's bright blue eyes.
"Charm comes with my English heritage. But of course, we can all say the same for Jamison. We share so much of the same history and family." Barnabas said sipping his own wine and looking at the still skeptical Jamison.
Jamison managed to crack a wedge of a smile back but continued to stay silent over the dinner.
"Well I should be getting up to my room now. It's late and the children will most likely be up early. Thank you for a lovely dinner." Claudia said excusing herself followed by Catherine who reluctantly agreed, the night had drawn on long enough for her.
"I think we'll leave you gentleman to yourselves. Victoria shall we retire?" Jacqueleen said also agreeing that the night had worn on too long.
"Barnabas! I hope our accommodations will suit you. We'll see you in the morning." Catherine said.
"Actually, I have a few business deals to take care of in the morning, but will be back in the evening. If you wouldn't mind, I can come back then." Barnabas answered excusing himself for his absence in the morning.
Catherine smiled in agreement and followed Claudia, Victoria and Jacqueleen leaving Jamison alone with Barnabas.
"Good night." Vickie said, glancing over at Barnabas as she past him with a look in her eyes, hoping he could keep on the charade.
Once the four women moved on to their rooms for the night, Jamison and Barnabas walked over to the drawing room for cigars. As they smoked and talked about the family business and how well it was doing, the room's air swirled with the grey of cigar exhaust.
Jamison's skepticism had not diminished, he knew there was something strange about Barnabas and his sudden arrival. His stories too felt rehearsed.
"Tell me cousin, what do you do? What is your business here in Collinsport?" Jamison asked, the tone of his voice like an seasoned detecting prodding for answers.
"I dabble in jewel trade. I have inherited a great many pieces of jewelry from my mother's side that I have used to sustain my way of life. It's actually a very intriguing way to make a living. I meet the most fascinating people around the world." Barnabas answered.
"You don't have to pretend." Jamison said standing up and looking over at the lit fireplace. "I know who you are."
Barnabas looked over at his distant cousin and lifted an eye brow.
"What exactly do you know?" Barnabas asked puffing on his own cigar.
As Barnabas questioned Jamison's apprehension he remembered the images that flashed in his mind of death and pain. He knew that it had to be connect to Barnabas and he knew that the rumors that Barnabas was one of the undead had to be true, as far fetched as it could be, he knew that the strange feelings he had been having and the images he was seeing were about Barnabas.
"I know Barnabas Collins never had children. I know the stories. I know the rumors. I know everything there is to know," Jamison said taking a puff from his cigar.
"You're mistaken. He did, it's not widely known." Barnabas continued to press but interrupted by Jamison.
"No. You're lying. This house has the most comprehensive history book on every member of this family for the last 300 years. No where in it does it say the original Barnabas Collins had a child, much less a grand child that looks exactly like him." Jamison said.
"Well I..." Barnabas started before being cut off.
"I don't know how you really got here Barnabas Collins...the second..." Jamison said sarcastically, "..or what you really want with us, but let me just say if you cause any harm to my wife or my child I promise you, you will not live to see another day. Don't plan on staying long, cousin, there is only room in this house for one Master. Keep that in mind." Jamison continued as he extinguished the cigar and got up to leave the room.
Barnabas was left in the smokey room alone to contemplate his next move. He was definitely surprised by Jamison's reaction. In fact Jamison's suspicions could derail Barnabas' plans to get back to 2016 with Canan, Vickie, and Claudia if he continued to be hostile towards him.
Time was of the essence, Barnabas needed to get back to the present without disturbing the past anymore than they already had.
Up in her room Jacqueleen brushed her auburn hair in her vanity mirror. She then opened a silver box that had scented oil that she rubbed over her elbows and hands. All she could think about was the new house guest. He was charming, elegant and much more handsome than the painting that hung on the wall in the foyer lead her to believe. She was instantly enamored by him.
Jacqueleen's late husband Walter Walsh, to her shock, left her in great amounts of debt that her son-in-law Jamison had paid off, forcing Jacqueleen into a the roll of a social pariah in all the fancy Boston circles. Walter's matter of death too didn't help matters. He was murdered in the middle of the night in their Boston mansion, the murderer was never caught.
Jacqueleen was penniless stranded in Boston and under a cloud of mystery surrounding Walter's death.
She had no choice but to move to Collinsport to escape the torment of all the well-to-do Boston stares.
And now a new prospect. The new house guest offered her somewhat of a reprise, and Jacqueleen knew it. Barnabas was rich, very rich. And that was enticing. He could be the key to her way back on top of the social heap. All she needed to do was get him to believe that too.
"Barnabas Collins......." she said with a grin. "Mrs. Jacqueleen Walsh-Collins. It has a nice ring to it."