Monday, April 4, 2016

Series 3/Chapter 7: REVENGE OF THE WICKED

The moon had dissipated into the sky, slowly swallowed up by the morning sun, blanketing Collinsport. It was a foggy day as usual and Collinwood stood on it's bluff basking in the cool ocean air surrounded by a thick fog.

In the library that had recently been re-constructed and cleaned after a fire, Christopher poured over book upon book of the history of werewolves and likens. Those that were his kind. If the cure for his transitions were gone forever, he would have to learn to live with it and Collinwood's library had an extensive back log of research.

As Christopher researched, Claudia quietly approached and hugged him from behind and kissed the side of his head.

"What are you doing here?" Chris said gleefully.

"I have a few things I need to take care of for my father. What are you doing here?" Claudia asked as she curled up into one of the over stuffed sofas next to Chris.

"It's hard to explain. Last night I was at home and Alex came by." Chris said to a now more serious looking Claudia. "I don't know whats going on with her but she's not herself. She's different."

"What were you doing there in the first place?" Claudia asked.

"It doesn't matter now, all that matters is that I have 4 days to figure out what I'm going to do before the next full moon." Chris said knowing Claudia's powers were weaker now, and there was nothing she could personally do.

Claudia thought about it for a second then realized there was a way to break Christopher's werewolf curse and help her father Barnabas at the same time. The way to reverse Christopher's werewolf transitions was to kill and drink the blood of the werewolf's mortal enemy...the vampire, and there was one particular vampire she and Barnabas needed dead. Leopold.

"Chris, what if I told you I could help you become normal again?" She said now scooting over to him on his side of the fluffy sofa and entangling her fingers with his.

"What do you mean? I didn't think you could help me." Christopher asked confused.

"I believe you can actually help me! Or, better yet, we can help each other. You see, there is a way that you can break this curse yourself but it will require you to do something you may not exactly ... it's something you might find difficult." She said cautiously.

"Anything! I'll try anything!" Chris said sitting up straight.

"Christopher, the only way a werewolf can rid himself of the body morphing during a full and high moon, is if he kills and drinks the blood of the undead. A vampire." She explained.

"WHAT!? Claudia what are you talking about?" Chris said jumping out of his seat in outrage.  "I've already killed my own father! Now You want me to kill some folklore character I don't even know exists? What does that even mean?" Chris continued standing on the other side of the room.

"You're real aren't you?" Claudia said pointing out Chris himself turned into a sort of folklore character. "Of course Vampires are real Chris. And they are closer to you the you realize. One in fact so close that he will consume everyone and everything if he isn't stopped. I think you can be the one to do it. You must!" Claudia continued pressing Chris on the topic then grabbing on to his shoulders.

Christopher pulled away from Claudia's grasp, completely confused and horrified at the notion that he should kill again. And as he walked away from Claudia who grew frustrated and knew there was only way to explain this more clearly. 

"You leave me no choice." She said

Claudia closed her eyes and began to mutter words in Latin as if she were praying but Chris could tell it was not prayer. She was summoning something. 

Suddenly an icy chill oozed into the room filling its four corners. Then the heavy drapes that hung neatly on the giant glass windows began to sway and pull themselves closed causing the brightness of the room to dim, darker and darker until not a single ray of outside light could be detected.

"What's happening?" Chris asked to Claudia who sat down again recognizing what was about to happen.

Christopher walked over to Claudia, his heavy breathing pumped puffs of smoke from his mouth from the chill in the air, his eyes darting back and fourth at each corner of the room that had been blackened  by the lack of light.

 In a corner, a large oak shelf adorned with small statues and a small globe that belonged to Joshua Collins began to spin. The  shelf, filled with hundreds of books from the world's greatest authors slid open revealing a secret passage door that lead into a black corridor.

Christopher's mouth hung open, he could't believe what he was seeing, and suddenly a man came through the passage way dressed dark and carruin a cane. It was Barnabas.

"Christopher Reed I presume." Barnabas asked standing in silhouette as the chilly air swept around his black suit.

"Who is this? What's going on?" Christopher asked, lifting Claudia from the sofa.

"Relax Chris, relax. This is Barnabas Collins. He's here to help you. She said calming Chris.

"When my Claudia mentioned that she has began to fall in love with a man with your particular issue I wasn't too keen. Historically our two kinds rarely get along you see. And truth be told I haven't exactly been the most discerning when it comes to love myself, but we have bigger troubles a foot." Barnabas said to a shivering Christopher.

 "I don't understand, Claudia said I needed to---"

"We. We need you to kill Leopold Divernet. As soon as the moon fills the sky in just four days, your transition will take place, then you'll do what needs to be done." Barnabas said as Claudia stayed off in the background.

"This is insane! All I want to do is find a way to stop being this way! Why would I want to kill him?" Chris asked innocently.

"He's a threat to us all Christopher. My daughter has foolishly created a monster and he's already began a war without you even knowing it." Barnabas said.

"What do you mean?" Chris asked.

"He attacked Katherine Banning last night. Caleb was arrested by mistake. The police will no doubt begin investigations." Claudia explained.

"Yes, even perhaps investigate the death of your own father." Barnabas said digging into Chris guilty conceives a little more. "You see, if Divernet is not taken care of, his disregard for this way of life will put us all in danger. Discretion, Mr. Reed, is key to our survival and Leopold no longer fits that dichotomy." Barnabas said in a manipulating tone.

Chris stood back from both Claudia and Barnabas and thought for a second. If he did this, he could not only get his life back but also might save a few too. Could that make up for what he had done and wha he was about to do. Chris turned and stared Barnabas dead in the eyes and asked:

"What will happened to me once he's dead?" 

"It'll be over. You'll be back to normal." Claudia said.

"I want to hear it from him!" Chris barked.

Barnabas smirked and walked over to Chris. His body almost seemed to float as his black suit was camouflaged within the shadowy library. 

"Once Leopold Divernet has been removed from this world, you too will be free. That I promise you. Does this mean you agree?" Barnabas asked coyly.

Christopher looked at Barnabas then back to Claudia. 

"I'll do it. I'll kill Leopold." 


At the hospital, Kat was feeling much better, but still had issues remembering everything about the night she was attacked, more so her long term memory was still a foggy mess, but her brother Sebastian who came to Collinsport from his home in Bangor was there to help. As the two Banning siblings reminisced on their past as a way for Kat to start to remember, Caleb knocked on the hospital room door and walked in.

Sebastian, who had only seen Caleb's photo in the paper that morning knew what he looked like and immediately stood up and tried to block him from entering, after all he was still a "person of interest" in Kat's attack.

"You shouldn't be  here!" Sebastian said stopping Caleb at the door.

"What? Who are you?" Caleb questioned as he had never met Sebastian before.

"Kat's brother." Sebastian answered.

"It's ok. He can come in." Kat said from her bed, as she sat up looking directly at Caleb.

"Kat, I'm so happy to see you. How are you feeling?" Caleb said rushing to her side.

"Better, but I can't remember a whole lot. Small things have come back to me, thankfully." She said

"Kat, listen, I just want you to know I had nothing to do with what happened. I swear it." Caleb said as a suspicious Sebastian stood close.

"Everyone keeps saying you do, but I don't remember anything. It's all really just a blur." Kat responded.

"What was the last thing you do remember from last night?" Sebastian asked.

"I was talking with someone, I don't remember if it was in person or ...maybe on the phone. I just felt like I was being followed the whole time. You know, when you have that feeling you're being watched." She responded.

"Have the doctor's said when you'd be released?" Caleb asked, looking up at Sebastian who shook his head "no".

As the trio made small talk in Kat's room, hoping more of the return of more of her memory, Leopold, in human form, walked in, to a shocked Caleb, who knew that he had been behind Kat's attack but for the sake of Barnabas' plot, kept it secret.

"Good afternoon. How is my favorite detective doing?" Leopold asked with a twisted grin.

"This is the man I was telling you about Kat, he came to see you last night." Sebastian said.

"You came to see her last night?" Caleb asked with a twinge of anger. "Why?"

"I had heard of the indecent, and wanted to come by and check on her, that's all." Leopold answered as he swooped over to Kat's side. "And I couldn't help but over-hear that you should be released soon. I insist that you come back to Collinwood and recuperate.:

Caleb scoffed, making an audible sound of air, knowing full well Leopold wanted nothing more then for Kat to be dead and gone, he was certainly not interested in her recovery.

Kat too felt a strange feeling of discomfort towards Leopold, and even though she didn't know why, she felt it enough to decide that wasn't the best place for her to go to recover.

"Thank you, but I don't think that is necessary. My brother is here, and he can take me home and I can recover there. In my own home." Kat said forcefully.

"I would't hear of it! Collinwood can be a very peaceful place at times, and that is the best place for you to go and have some peace of mind until you are back on your feet. You're like family now." Leopold said with a cold grin towards Caleb.

Although the notion of Kat going back to Collinwood to recover from the attack and the wound on her head was strange, Sebastian instantly knew that this would be the best way to get into the mansion and get what he needed. He thought about it for a second and finally interjected.

"You know, sis, it doesn't sound all that bad! I mean if the Collins family is willing to help you out, why not take them up on the offer. That is if they wouldn't mind me coming along too." Sebastian said.

Caleb was shocked. The whole conversation was strange to him. He knew that Leopold really only wanted Kat close by so that when the time came that she begin to remember everything that happened the night before when he attacked her, and of course, his true identity, he could easily destroy her; and for the life of him, Caleb couldn't figure out why Sebastian would encourage Kat to go back to Collinwood at all.

"I think the family would be most happy to have you near, wouldn't you agree Caleb?" Leopold asked of his cousin.

Caleb took a breath and a split second to answer. The danger of having Kat that close to Leopold was evident to him, but as long as he was at the house too he would protect her, and surely Sebastian only wanted what was best for his sister too...even if Caleb couldn't tell if it was sincere or not.

"Absolutely. As long as I'm around you'll be safe and you'll get better. We'll have Kim monitor you and make sure you don't need another other medical care, and if you do we'll send out for a doctor." Caleb said, reaching for Kat's hand.

"Alright. I'll go back with you. And hopefully I can begin to remember everything. I know Loomis is going crazy trying to figure this all out." Kat answered.

"You remember your memory is coming back!" Caleb said excitedly.

"In bits and pieces. But it's not all there yet." She responded to him.

"And when it does come back....we'll be there. All of us." Leopold said cryptically.

As the doctor and a nurse came into the room to check on his patient Caleb, Leopold and Sebastian were asked to leave so that they could assess Kat for discharge.

Just on the other side of the hall from Kat's room Caleb and Leopold waited together. Caleb seethed over Barnabas' theory based on Caleb's description of the person he saw, that Leopold was the person who attack Kat the night before, but he could't lead on.

"You seem distant Caleb, distracted." Leopold noticed.

"It's been a long night, as you can imagine. What were you doing here lat night?" Caleb asked.

Leopold sensed Caleb's suspicion, a cold look came upon  his face and he walked over to Caleb and stood just inches away, but Caleb stood strong and showed no fear.

"Your insinuated something. I can feel it. But whatever you have in your mind, let it go. I have a need for a certain red bodily fluid, as you understand. I have a connection here that gives me stolen pints of blood for my own personal use. How else would I be surviving?" Leopold said in  bold face lie.

Caleb had no choice but to pretend to believe, after all he trusted Barnabas, and knew that whatever Barnabas has plan he had for Leopold.

Caleb then turned and walked over to Kat's room and waited for the doctor to come back out, Leopold stood in the waiting area, knowing that Caleb knew that he had attacked Kat, now there was more danger then just Kat's memory recover.

As Caleb and Leopold talked, Sebastian went off into a corner again and grabbed his cell phone and dialed a number. He waited for a few seconds, the other end picked up.

"Its Sebastian. There's good news.......They're discharging Kat, and she's been asked to recover at Collinwood. We're in!"


The sun began to set on Collinwood. Alex sat in her room staring at the black book she found hidden in the attic with Angelique's help. She walked slowly to the book to open it again. She walked slowly, feeling the book's powerful energy seeping out into the air around it. It energy was so strong it illuminated a light, as if the old pages within were glowing a bright white light.

Alex reached and touched the book's black cover and felt the engraved red letter A that stood for Angelique. 

"You feel it's power don't you?" Angelique said from behind in a transparent state, dressed in all white. 

Alexandra turned around and saw Angelique coming closer to her, a plume of white smoke swirled around her, as she floated over.

"Barnabas Collins must be destroyed! Do you understand me Alexandra. You must use the powers in this book to destroy him." Angelique demanded.

"Why?" Alex asked truly not understanding the history Angelique and Barnabas shared.

"He took the one good thing I ever did away from me many years ago. He took my child away, a child I bore out of my desire to finally turn another leaf in my life." Angelique answered.

"You had a child?" Alex asked.

"Yes. I was married too. Everything had changed, I was living my life ---here---in Collinwood with Rodger Collins, your great uncle. I did everything I could to leave my old self behind: I changed my name, I lived for the most part honestly. But Barnabas knew who I was the whole time. I don't know why, but even as much as we hate each other, we always come back together. The child is his....but he took her away and I never saw her again." Angelique explained. "And now he must pay."

"What should I do?" She asked.

"Open the book and the book will tell you where to go." Angelique explained backing away from Alexandra.

Alex walked over to the book and carefully opened it's cover. The pages instantly began to flip, faster and faster as if a mighty wind was turning the pages. Alex stood back and waited for her instructions.

Then the pages stopped turning and a spell was revealed.

Alex carefully read over the spell then turned back to Angelique for guidance.

"You want me to trap Barnabas into falling into your portal?" Alex asked.

"Once Barnabas is no longer in the realm he will no longer have control over Collinwood, or the people around him. It's the only way I can find peace. And maybe find my daughter." Angelique said as tears fell from her eyes on to her pale white skin.

Alex turned back to the book and then things began to be more clear. Barnabas had told them that Claudia was his daughter, but had never revealed Claudia's mother identity. Then, Alex had an idea. The only way she could get Claudia away from Christopher would be to twist Angelique's plan for Barnabas for Claudia removing her from the equation all together.

Alexandra looked down and began to chant the French words on the pages of the book as the pages began to glow. There was a small tremor in the room, the picture frames began to shake, the curtains began to sway slightly with as Alex's chanting got louder and louder. Alex lifted her hands and her head with her eyes closed at the ceiling, still chanting as the mystical glow from the book began to swirl all around her and the room and even Angelique's spirit.

Angelique began to feel the energy in the room, the spell was working all Alex had to do was name the person that was to be trapped in the realm of the dead with her for all eternity.

"Name him Alexandra. Call Barnabas Collins back to the land of the dead!!" Angelique called as the glowing and swirling energy in the room intensified.

As Alex and Angelique called from the book, Claudia was making her way to the Old House from the library with Barnabas and Christopher down one of the many vast hallways in the mansion. From the edge of the stairwell she saw a bright flashing light coming from under Alexandra's door. It flashed yellow, then white, then yellow then white.

"What are you doing?" Carolyn said from the bottom of the stairs

Claudia not knowing what to say stepped down on the first step going to the bottom but kept her eye on the door, baffled by what she was seeing.

"What? What are you looking at?" Carolyn said in a frustrating tone.

"What is that?" Claudia asked as she pointed, even though she knew something supernatural was happening before her vary eyes, it was all too familiar to her.

Carolyn dashed up the stairs to see what Claudia was looking and saw the same lights coming from Alex's room.

"Alexandra!!" Carolyn screamed in fear as she ran down the hall to Alexandra's room with Claudia hot on her trail.

Carolyn tried to open the door over and over again but it seemed locked. Angelique sensing someone at the door and foolishly believing it was her tormented lover Barnabas released the door lock. It slowly opened showing Alexandra floating above the floor swallowed in yellow and white light and in a trance repeating the French spell from the book over and over again.

"Alex!!!" Carolyn screamed.

A scream the broke Alex from her trance and she looked at her mother Carolyn. Alex opened her mouth and called to Carolyn but all that came out was a whisper that echoed through the room. 


Alexandra had never once said Barnabas' name and had yet to say Claudia's name, the book interpreted this as Alexandra wanting to pull Carolyn into the realm of the dead when she whispered "mother". The light that swirled around Alexandra shifted and formed two bright beems of energy that  grabbed Carolyn by the neck and waist and lifted her from the ground.

Claudia gasped and raised her arms and chanted her own spell, an attempt in vain to use her own powers to fight against the book, but a third branch of energy was released from the book and swung it's way to Claudia knocking her to the ground.

Alex could not stop the book's powers from grabbing her mother, all she could do was watch Carolyn get pulled all the way to a large mirror on the wall and disappear into the glass that had morphed into a liquid like state submerging Carolyn completely.

When Claudia opened her eyes she saw the floating woman in white, Angelique, coming towards her.
They locked eyes, and Angelique instinctually knew Claudia was her baby girl Evangeline. Angelique could see it in Claudia's soul and in her eyes. Claudia too seemed to recognize her mother but as the two reached out to touch each other's hands in a make-shift reunion the book begin to pull Angelique back into the mirror too to join Carolyn.

All that was left was the echoing sound of Angelique's voice crying out to Claudia by her birth name 


The light from the book instantly dissipated and causing Alexandra to drop to the floor from her elevated state. The energy in the room settled. The frames on the walls stopped moving but remained crooked on the walls, the curtains stopped swaying and Claudia stood up massaging her neck from the fall.

Alex go up from the flor and  on to her hands and knees.

"What have you done?" Claudia asked in anger.

"Mother! Mother!!" Alex said ignoring Claudia and jumping up to the mirror and trying to find her mother. But it was no use. Carolyn was gone.

"What have you done!?!?!" Claudia said again this time much more forcefully and pulling Alex's body around to face her.

"She made me! She made me do it!!" Alex said bursting into tears and thrashing her arm away from Claudia's grasp.

"Who?" Claudia asked.

"Your mother!!!" Alex said filled with anger and resentment that her own revenge against Claudia for taking away Christopher backfired and now her mother was gone.

"This was all your doing Alexandra. No one else, what you've done cannot be repaired." Claudia explained. 

"It can! I can be fixed!" Alex said rushing over to the book to find a reversal spell but the book wouldn't open. She pulled and pulled but the book seemed to be welded shut.

"It's over Alexandra. You've dammed your own mother to the land of the dead."